
Friday Links Roundup: Thankful Edition

“God is so good;
God is so good;
God is so good;
He’s so good to me.”

The words to that simple song sometimes get stale. When a song contains the same few words over and over, we can easily forget the true meaning. But God IS so good! As another song boldly says, “He blesses and blesses again.”

This week has been one of anticipation, anxiety and, ultimately, a reminder of God’s blessings.

First of all, my mom had to have a heart catherization done this morning in Paducah. The doctors thought she might have a blockage in part of her heart. We waited, but didn’t have to wait long. After just a few minutes the news came that she was free from any blockage, and will be able to go home later today. She will have to slow down a bit, but that’s much better than what the doctors could have reported.

Also, in much less important news, Leah and I went to Nashville house-hunting Monday and found “the” house. It was nice and in a good neighborhood…and in our price range. So, after praying, thinking and “running the numbers” again, we made an offer. Yesterday, it was accepted! We have sold our house in Haleyville and now we should be closing on a house in Hermitage, Tennessee, in early March.

We continue to think about moving. It continues to ache as we think about leaving 9th Avenue, but we grow in anticipation of our work in Nashville. Moving–and all the factors that come with it–will be difficult, but we know it will be an exciting time.

Now, on to the links.

1. This one is a “double” link. My brother-in-law posted an article entitled “Your Church Building Described” that you will find interesting and fun to read. Based upon a statement from that article, my dad posted a great post entitled “…And Hold Their Breath.” You will enjoy reading both articles.

2. As most of you already know, Freed-Hardeman University (my alma mater) has hired a new President. Drew Kizer has a good article on his blog concerning the hire. The comments are also interesting and, sadly, not surprising. Read “Freed Names New President.” As you do, take the time, please, to pray for the school in this time of transition.

3. I have an English Standard Version that is in hardback, and beginning to, well, not be in such good shape. (Thankfully, it’s from use and not abuse!) I don’t want to throw it away and I do have a few notes in it. I have been looking for some ideas and I came across an idea, via the ESV blog. The Shepherd’s Scrapbook gives some good ideas for turning a hardback ESV into a spiral-bound note takers dream. Check it out here. I don’t know if I’ll try it or not, but it’s worth thinking about.

I hope everyone has a great week. Never forget the Lord, especially on His day.

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