
Friday Links Roundup: The Return Edition

Now that we are somewhat settled, I hope you have noticed that our blog is being updated more often. I am trying to update the blog at least 2-3 times each week with articles and family updates.

Also, it is time (insert royal trumpet blast here) for the return of the Friday Links Roundup! This will, again, be a regular feature. Let me again say how much I appreciate those who blog. I have about 40-45 blogs in my feed reader. Some are rarely updates, but some write daily. Admittedly, I don’t read every single word of every blog, but it is still a great resource to fill my mind with ideas and words of encouragement.

So, without any more delay, here are the articles for “The Return Edition” of FLR:

1. Sometimes, we fail to emphasize the first word of the Great Commission.” JD on “Hope Out Here Remains” writes an excellent article entitled “Why Does ‘Go’ Seem Like Such a Big Word?

2. Marriage, divorce and remarriage is a topic that has become written about so much that many are just calling it “MDR.” Articles on this topic that are well-thought-out and presented well are welcomed! Please read Drew Kizer’s article, “A Conversation about Divorce.”

3. Guys don’t like to admit that they need help, but, as Trey Morgan points out, “Men Need Men.” (Please notice Trey’s new layout, too…very nicely done!)

4. Want to take a trip to Israel with some men who know the Bible and have been to that land before? Check out Phil Sanders’ site.

5. Take a second look at the account of David and Goliath with Justin Guin. Read his article “Slaying Our Giants.” (Great sermon outline here!!!)

6. Many are using the English Standard Version. I am preaching from it more and more (I’m preaching from it almost exclusively this Sunday, in fact). Crossway is about to release an ESV Study Bible. Click here to check out the site for it.

7. With the raiding of the compound in Texas a few days ago, interest in the Mormon faith is on the rise. Take a look at Wayne Jackson’s informative article on Fundamentalist Mormonism. It is eye-opening, to say the least.

8. Last, but not least, my friend Steve Sanders has written a new book. I hope to get a copy soon. He self-published the book on Lulu. Click here to see the site, and place an order. Steve is a good student of the Bible, so this book will be helpful to any Bible student.

I hope you enjoy the links. Please have a great weekend. Don’t forget the Lord on His day.


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