
Friday Links Roundup: To FHU Edition

I am so excited about the Freed-Hardeman University Bible Lectures. The week is truly a feast for mind and soul. I learn so much from the speakers and I am constantly uplifted by the handshakes, hugs and kindness given by brothers and sisters in Christ. I hope to see so many of you there.

Lord willing, we will be in Henderson until Friday, so I am not yet sure if there will be a links roundup next week. I have found a new “helper” in this weekly endeavor. I use iGoogle as my reader, so now I can read many more blogs for my own learning, but also to find articles for the roundup. Including a couple of fun blogs and a couple of financial blogs, I have about 45 that I use. I hope that our readers know that I do not necessarily endorse everything on every blog that is listed in the roundup. I like to read a wide variety of viewpoints and, as such, I recommend articles from all over the web. I am thankful for all those who are bold enough to put thoughts in this medium for all to see. So many have good articles and I want to share many with you each week, but we try to limit the roundup to a handful. Here are this week’s articles.

1. With the FHU lectures on your mind, I thought you might like to know that Dale Jenkins has been asked to blog during the week! Check out his brief article about this great opportunity.

2. Okay, so this article is over a month old, but I just came across it (through building my iGoogle page). How many times do we make jokes about the sin of gluttony? John T. Willis addresses it in a very good manner. Preachers, this is a good outline to file away!

3. Church Discipline. Another topic that, in my mind, is not discussed enough. Michael Jackson, at Christian Cornucopia, has some links that might interest you on this topic.

4. Why do you read the Bible? Clyde Slimp found an article by Alexander Campbell about why he read the Bible. This is powerful reading, indeed.

5. The NET Bible has several blogs that feed into the ESV blog. I found an article by Hall Harris about commentaries very helpful. While the language is denominational (e.g., lay person), the tips are very good. If you need good reasons to use commentaries, and a few tips for their use, this article is for you.

I hope you have a great weekend. If you are, well, within 10,000 of Henderson, Tennessee, I hope you are planning on attending the FHU Bible Lectures. Your soul will be stirred. I hope to see you there.

Don’t forget the Lord on His day.
