
Friday Links Roundup: Too Early Edition

I went to a mall today. That, in and of itself, is news. I just don’t like malls. I like a handful of stores, but I don’t like the whole mall culture.

As we were there, I heard something strange over the loudspeakers. It was Christmas music!!! Santa’s workshop was set up for pictures!

Folks, let me say this as kindly as I can: it’s too early!!! Can we please wait until Thanksgiving is over to start this stuff? We’d still have a month. That’s 1/12 of the year, and that’s plenty of time to center on one holiday.

After all, Thanksgiving is better anyway!!!

Whew. I feel better, but not as good as I’d feel if I were President and passed the “no Christmas stuff until after Thanksgiving” bill!

On to the links for this week:

1. It’s not hard to figure out that I love social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter (twitter.com/faughn4 to follow!). However, there is a limit to it. Are our kids running past that limit? Albert Mohler shares his thoughts in “The Hypersocialized Generation.”

2. Christians are seemingly being pushed to the edges of society, but some of that may just be perceived! Steve Higginbotham helps us think through this in “Subnormal, Normal & Abnormal.”

3. Scott McCown shares a wonderful sermon outline for preachers in his post “Boles on Preachers.”

4. What is the future of our nation? Wayne Jackson shares some thoughts on how God interacts with nations in a wonderful post entitled “National Security: The Real Solution.”

5. Every so often, we like to share a good financial article. “Survive a Financial Crisis: 12 Tips for Married Couples” is fantastic and practical. Enjoy and learn from this one.

We hope you have a great weekend (and we hope you avoid Santa’s lap for a couple more weeks!). No matter where you are, make sure you worship the Lord on His day.
