
Friday Links Roundup: Visiting Edition

One of my goals this week was to visit more of our folks in hospitals and nursing homes.  I try to visit as often as possible, but I like to take “chunks” of time to visit several.  Yesterday, I took all afternoon and visited many of them.  I made another visit on the way to the office this morning.

I’m not saying this to brag. I’m saying it because these people need visits! Some are great at sending cards or calling. Those are needed, too. Take a few minutes today (probably no more than 5-10) and make a phone call or send a card. If you have a little more time (say 30-45 minutes), visit someone who is in the hospital, shut in, or in a nursing home. It’ll make his/her day, and yours as well!

On to the links for this week:

1. Jim Martin put a great list on his blog, A Place for the God Hungry, recently. Similar lists have made the rounds via email. Read “10 Ways to Kill a Good Ministry,” and take it to heart!

2. Neal Mathis posts a great article on what he wants to teach young people about John 3:16. This great verse is often misunderstood.  Read Neal’s article here.

3. Wayne Jackson wrote an article on Christian Courier this week that I’m sure will raise a few eyebrows. It is called “Preparing to Preach,” and it is one that every preacher and elder should read carefully and prayerfully.

4. We talk of the family of God all the time, and we call each other “brother” and “sister.” What exactly does that imply?  Bryant Evans shares some thoughts in “Brotherhood of Believers.”

5. A brief, but helpful, post from Scott McCown on The Morning Drive.  He posts a list from Wendell Winkler called “Six Step Evangelism.”

6. Neil Richey answers a tough question in a helpful manner.  Read and study “Can I Be Baptized for the Dead?”

We hope you have a wonderful weekend.  We are looking forward to our annual community give-away day tomorrow at Lebanon Road. It’s always a great opportunity to share a smile and some love with our neighborhood.

Of course, we are looking forward to the Lord’s Day, and we hope you’ll be with us! No matter where you are, we hope you’ll truly make it His day!
