
Friday Links Roundup: Wrap Up and Preview Edition

First, the wrap up. The NBA season is over. The Celtics won their 17th title, which means they need 9 more to catch my Yankees! (26!!!) The best part of the season, though, didn’t take place on the court. It took place during a pregame show, when Frank Caliendo impersonated Charles Barkley to Charles Barkley. However, the best part was when he broke into Bill Walton.

Now for the preview, it is far more important than the NBA, but it does contain three letters. It is V.B.S. We are looking forward to our annual Vacation Bible School, with the theme “God’s Big Back Yard.” I hope to show you several pictures during the event, but I thought you might like to see a few pictures of the rooms in their “almost ready” state. Enjoy!

The VBS begins Sunday night at 6:00, then continues Monday-Wednesday at 7:00 each evening. We hope you’ll join us for these great services. We have classes for all ages, including adults. Be with us!

On to the links for this week:

1. Phil Sanders writes a thought-provoking article about the homosexual movement entitled, “Who’s the Wife? Confused Living.”

2. At Lebanon Road, we are focusing on church growth this month. Matthew Morine wrote an article this past week about the topic that you can read by clicking here. I made copies of the articles for each of the elders here, just for some more food for thought during this month of emphasis.

3. The Literary ESV has been heralded on many blogs and websites. One blogger is blogging his way through that work in 30 days. Check out his entries here.

I hope you have a great weekend. We are looking forward to a busy time, but a very rewarding time. If you are in or around Nashville, come by and see us.

Wherever you are, don’t forget the Lord, especially on His day.


One Comment

  • preacherman

    Wonderful post.
    Thanks for sharing this fantastic pictures and V.B.S. with us.
    I am looking forward to ours.
    The youth group from Westside Church of Christ in Midland is comming down and putting on the V.B.S. for us. We are so excited about it.

    I want you to know much I enjoy reading your blog and have added it to my favs.
    Keep up the great work you are doing.