Friday's Family Friendly Finds

Friday’s Family Friendly Finds {January 23, 2015 edition}

We have a treat for you this week. As we often do here at A Legacy of Faith, we are trying something different. Usually, there are three sections to our weekly family links post (“This Week’s Finds,” “Our Week in Review,” and “Connect with A Legacy of Faith”).

This week, we are trying something new and adding even more links for you to enjoy. We are calling this new section “From the Twitter Timeline.” The idea behind this section is that, throughout the week, I tweet links to various articles that may or may not have to do with family issues. In fact, most do not, because I am saving the family links for this post. However, not everyone follows us on Twitter and you may not have seen these great articles on a variety of topics.

We still want to have the family links separate, however, so we are adding the other links as its own section in our Friday Finds. So…on to the family links, then the other articles you may find interesting.

Family Friendly Finds

This Week’s Finds

Why I Chose to No Longer Wear Leggings {Veronica Partridge}

…and a good follow up: Veronica Partridge’s Proclamation {Preacher Pollard’s Blog}

3 Common Traits of the Family That Has “Everything” {for the family}

Marriage Check-In Questions {Of the Hearth}

Men Need a Revival {Project Family}

The Most Dangerous Apps for Kids {Active Digital Parenting}

7 Things Husbands Should Stop Doing  AND 7 Things Wives Should Stop Doing {Mark Merrill}

20 Things I Want My Daughters to Understand about Being a Woman {Your Mom Has a Blog}

From the Twitter Timeline

When God Doesn’t Answer {Growing in Your Walk with Christ}

Has Country Music Gone Drunk and Party Crazy? {Life in the Kingdom}

Advice from a Preacher, Elder, and an Apostle to Elders {New Shepherd’s Orientation and Seasoned Shepherd’s Revitalization}

Someone’s Been Talking about You {Thinking Out Loud}

A Simple Guide for Christians on the Internet {Your Mom Has a Blog}

Our Week in Review

These posts were not necessarily written during the last 7 days, but they drew the most views during that period. (Original publication date in parenthesis)

#5: The First Step in Evangelism (It Might Not be What You Think) (January 14, 2015)

#4: Should Christians “Do” Right or “Believe” Right? (January 21, 2015)

#3: Kids Say the Truest Things (January 19, 2015)

#2: An Open Letter to the 4th Avenue church of Christ (December 4, 2014)

#1: A Covenant Worth Keeping (January 20, 2015)

Connect with A Legacy of Faith

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