Friday's Family Friendly Finds

Friday’s Family Friendly Finds {March 14, 2014 edition}

If you are not from Tennessee, you may not understand this concept, but the weather here is just crazy. On Tuesday afternoon, we nearly hit 80 degrees. Then, on Wednesday evening–scarcely more than 24 hours later–there were a few snowflakes falling around here. Crazy, crazy.

Before we share this week’s finds, we want to tell you that the Video Summer Series now has a Facebook page. We would greatly appreciate it if you would “like” the page and pass the word along. We are starting to see interest grow in this good work!

Family Friendly Finds

This Week’s Finds

Teaching Parents about Digital Parenting

How to Start Family Devotions [for the family]

Is Yelling the New Spanking for Parents: 5 Tips for Screaming-Prone Moms and Dads [Focus on the Family]

6 Considerations Regarding Your Children and Media Usage [Life in the Kingdom]

How to Be a Good Parent: 25 Tips [Tricia Goyer]

Our Week in Review

These posts were not necessarily written in the last week, but were the 5 most-viewed posts during that time.

#5: Eli’s Warning to Dads

#4: 10 Budget Basics for Families

#3: 8 Parenting Books You Need to Own (and Read)

#2: For the Family (We updated this post from 2009 on Monday and it went over very well!)

#1: Dressing Our Daughter for Who We Want Her to Be (This post is now very close to being our most viewed post ever. Thank you so much!)

What Did We Miss?

What family links, tweets, or videos did we miss this week? Contact us with links you’d like us to consider for future Friday’s Family Friendly Finds! You can also contact us if you are interested in writing a guest post for our site. We look forward to hearing from you!


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A Legacy of Faith exists to help families survive the day, plan for tomorrow, and always keep an eye on eternity. If you choose to print one of our articles in another publication (e.g., church bulletin), please give credit to the author and provide a link to the article's url. Thank you.