Family,  Marriage

From Three to Two to One

When you read that title, you may have thought of the last few seconds prior to the launching of a rocket, the end of a dramatic basketball game, or something else like these things. In reality, the title has nothing to do with any of those things. Instead, it has to do with how confusing our society is becoming.

It is (or at least it used to be) normal during a wedding ceremony for a preacher to encourage the couple getting married to make sure that God was the third partner in their relationship. He might even spend some time explaining some of the benefits of that.

Even if the couple was starting their lives together in a civil ceremony, there were two people making a commitment to one another. Sadly, in recent years, it has become increasingly acceptable for those two people to be members of the same sex. In more ways than one, God has been completely left out of the ceremony and equation.

I’ve recently become aware of a new trend that is growing. It is of interest to me that this trend is taking place primarily, if not exclusively, among some women. In many ways, the trend has similarities with what we normally think of as a wedding ceremony and lifestyle. In fact, in some instances, this arrangement comes complete with showers, receptions, honeymoons, etc.

The trend/arrangement even has a name:


Can you see where this is going from the name itself? Do you see the word “solo” in the term? The new trend is for people (again primarily women) to marry themselves!

According to one source I consulted, sologamy was defined in this way:

Sologamy, or self-marriage, is a symbolic ceremony where you commit to maintaining a meaningful, deep, and loving relationship with yourself.

There are too many absurdities with all of this to discuss here. There are probably too many to even fathom.

There is one observation I would like to make though. When God is removed or even minimized in a society, anything is possible. 

Paul wrote about people who, at one time, “knew God,” but started a downward slide away from Him. You can read about them in Romans 1:18-32. You can also read about what God thought of that and how it turned out for them. I wonder why people think that it will turn out any better for people of our day.

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AUTHOR: Jim Faughn


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