
Fuqua Business School Scandal

In the wake of corporate scandal at places such as Enron, business schools have tried harder to enforce ethics codes. Sadly, it has not always worked.

The latest large-scale cheating scandal comes from the Fuqua School of Business on the campus of Duke University. The school claims to have truly focused on the ethics of business, but the students–34 of them–are still accused of cheating on an exam.

Why do we have all these scandals in businesses and business schools? Could it be that so many are more worried about making a buck than making an honest buck? When man and money are the only things that matter, why worry about the rules? I just wonder how many Christian schools have such scandals in the history of their business schools. Could it be that they are hard to find because they teach students that true ethics–in every area of life–come from God and His Word?

To read a press release about the cheating scandal, click here.


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