Church Life

The Gay Old Party?

It was a small number, but some of the names are those of very prominent leaders. While currently only 75 have signed it, it should signal a very eye-opening moment for many Christians who felt as if the Republican party was the only one who still held to Biblical morals.

It turns out that no political party is our Savior.

Shocking, I know.

5554047867_fba54c1c25_zIt is a document that is calling for the Supreme Court to strike down the well-known “Prop 8” from California. This is the same proposition that was voted on by California voters, banning same-sex marriages in that state. Somehow, even though the people voted for this ban, the proposition has been working through the court system and will be heard before the United States Supreme Court (along with other gay-marriage legislation) during the current session.

One of the most prominent signers of this all-Republican document is Jon Huntsman, is a former governor of Utah and who sought the nomination from the party for President just last year. He was opposed to gay marriage when  he ran for President in 2012, but now has changed his mind. (Where have we seen this before?)

This post is not meant to bash the GOP, per se. Instead, it is meant to open our eyes.

For years, I have heard Christians throw verbal tirades at people from one party or the other. “You can’t be a Christian and vote Republican. They don’t care for people.” “No right-thinking Christian would ever vote for a Democrat. They hate the Bible.”

If I had to guess, I would estimate that more members of the Lord’s Church regularly voted for Republican candidates. Obviously, I have not researched this, but from my observation, I think that would be the case. However, this latest development should be yet another eye-opener to supporters of any political party.

Our job as Christians is not to “Democrat-ize” the world nor to “Republican-ize” it. It is not to stand on the platform of a donkey or an elephant. Our work is not to see how “red” or “blue” this country can be.

Our job is to stand for the truth of God’s Word, and if that means I don’t vote for a certain party, so be it.

Mixing religion and politics does not mean we preach the platform of a party. It means we let our religion guide our vote, no matter the party.

As our culture becomes more secular and anti-God, it should not surprise us that some Republican leaders want to embrace gay marriage. After all, if that’s the way the culture is moving, so will the party in order to garner votes.

But anyone who stands for such an abomination as this, no matter his/her party, will ever receive my vote. I don’t care if the candidate is a Republican, Democrat, or Independent. My vote will not be for a party. It will be for my Lord.


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Photo credit: Phil Roeder on Creative Commons

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