
General Musings on a Great Friday

What a great day!

When I got up this morning there was a certain type of white, flaky precipitation falling from the sky. That’s right–we actually got a few flakes (about an eighth of an inch) of snow here in Alabama. We’ve lived here now for over 5 1/2 years and the total snowfall in all that time is less than 2 inches, but it sure makes it special to see a few flakes.

The young people here at 9th Avenue are very special to our family. They are good young people, and we are proud of them. The way they treat Mary Carol is something to behold. They are always playing with her and willing to help us out. Now they are treating our soon-to-be born boy the same way. Sunday night, they are giving us an “It’s a Boy” party. They are even providing the food! We are very blessed, indeed.

Speaking of the boy, Leah got another good report from the doctor yesterday. She really has done well with her “first” (sort-of, since Mary Carol was adopted), and we are thankful. The only complaint the doctor has is that Leah isn’t gaining enough weight! Leah LOVES this doctor!!!

Have you heard that Barbaro, last year’s Kentucky Derby champion, was put down this week? Months of work and surgery were done to try to help his legs, but no amount of work or money could do it. I like horse racing (except the gambling aspect), but, well, there’s no kind way to put it–it’s a horse! In an email earlier this week, one of my friends said that more people care about the death of this horse than about the Terry Shiavo case a couple of years ago. Sadly, he may be right. These horses are amazing (don’t let me get started talking about Secretariat!), but they are just animals.

Finally, there will probably be no blogging next week (thus, the general ramblings today). Lord willing, Leah, Mary Carol and I will be at Freed-Hardeman University for their annual Bible lectureship. If you get a chance to come for even one day, do so. You’ll be glad you did! If you are going to be there, we hope to see you and say “hello.” If you want a preview, please read the article I wrote a couple of weeks ago by clicking here.

Have a wonderful Lord’s day on Sunday and make sure to put Him first in all you do.


A Legacy of Faith exists to help families survive the day, plan for tomorrow, and always keep an eye on eternity. If you choose to print one of our articles in another publication (e.g., church bulletin), please give credit to the author and provide a link to the article's url. Thank you.