
Getting Ready for a New Class (Bulletin Article for August 27)

Our new Bible school quarter will begin next Sunday morning (September 3). This is always a special time, as many of our young people are “promoted” to their next class, and several move from high school classes to our young adult class. What are some things to keep in mind for those who are involved in this transition in any way?

  • For those of us who teach, it is good to know who is moving up to our class. While we are a family here at 9th Avenue and, for the most part, know each other well, it might still be a good idea to meet each family or send a card as the Bible school teacher. This will show the family that you care for this precious new student.
  • Also, teachers, we need to be early on the first Sunday of the quarter. While we should always be on time (or early), this is especially true on the first day. Don’t let any student come to a dark, “teacherless” classroom on the first day.
  • Parents, keep in mind that your child has been in the same class for at least two years. While he or she is used to “moving up” at school, it doesn’t happen as often here, so your child may be a bit nervous. If your child is small, it may be a good idea to walk him or her to class on the first day. Be excited about the promotion, and your child will probably be excited as well.
  • Young people, keep in mind that these classes are age-appropriate. You are going to a new class for a reason. Your teachers will challenge you with more information from God’s Word that will help you each day. You may be a bit nervous to change classes, or you may think your new class will be too hard, but your teachers want you to learn. They will make sure you understand the Bible, if you will pay attention and do the work.

Promotion time is always special. Classes get a new “feel” with different students in them. Teachers always seem a little more excited than usual. We have several who are teaching different classes, and some are teaching for us for the first time. We are thankful for their willingness to teach in our Bible school program.

If you have not been attending Bible class regularly, this is the perfect time to “jump back in.” Nearly every class will be starting a new study. Those who are following the Gospel Advocate material will be starting a two-quarter study on the life of Christ. What better topic could there be than that?

Will your new teacher see you in class next week?

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