Church Life

Go Into All the World

What would you do if you could visit every nation on earth, even if it took years and years to complete that list, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe?

Some might just want to visit and have their passport stamped. After all, how amazing would it be to say you had set foot on every nation!

Some might want to buy a small trinket or souvenir to have proof of their visit to every nation.

One British man, though, recently completed a very different type of worldwide tour. In the city of Athens, he ran a marathon. That run added Greece as the 196th–and final–nation (recognized by the United Nations) that he had not only visited, but had run a 26.2 mile marathon course in! That’s right: he has run a marathon on the soil of every nation in the entire world!

What an achievement! While many people like to run–even marathons–to even have such a goal is remarkable. To accomplish it, though? It is nothing short of mind-boggling, when you consider all the logistics in addition to the physical ability to complete this goal.

But what would you do if you could visit every nation in the world? Would you ever conceive of trying to hold one Bible study in every nation? Or handing out at least one piece of Bible literature in every country? Or teaching one Bible class?

It seems that some type of goal along those lines would be the greatest possible goal a world traveler could ever have!

Jesus made it clear that “all nations” are to be taught the Gospel (Matthew 28:19). For that to be accomplished, some need to teach the person next door. Some need to teach their own children. Some need to teach a person across town. Some need to go to other parts of their own country. And, yes, some need to travel to other areas of the world.

But, wherever we go–whether it is up and down our street or to every nation on the face of the earth–our goal should simply be to take the Gospel with us.

After all, feet that run marathons in all 196 nations may be strong and athletic, but only those feet that share the gospel are considered beautiful by the Lord Himself (Romans 10:15).

Go into all the world…not just to see the world, but to take the Gospel to the whole world. Where will you “run to”…even today?

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn


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