
Gospel Meetings Can Still be Effective

Last night, I finished preaching in a Gospel Meeting in Vienna, Illinois. My family moved to Vienna when I was just 9 months old, and moved away when I was about to turn 8. While I didn’t remember everyone’s name, there were so many familiar faces, and it was good to see them.

The Sunday before the meeting, Vienna had 39 in attendance. They advertised the meeting in the local paper and, of course, through word-of-mouth. Also, information was sent to local congregations.

The result?

Attendance was fantastic!

On Sunday morning, 52 were present, with about that same number on Sunday evening. Wednesday night, there were about 40 present (I didn’t get the “official” count).

However, on Monday and Tuesday, when those from other congregations could more easily attend, the attendance was amazing. On Tuesday, we had 60, and on Monday, seventy-two were in the building. It was estimated that 11 other congregations had members present for at least one service. At least two congregations had members present for three services (Monday-Wednesday)!

One dear sister responded on Wednesday night for prayers, and it was obvious that the members were excited by the meeting. Who knows what seeds have been planted?

Some places have decided that Gospel Meetings don’t work anymore. They do. All it takes is enthusiasm. It had nothing to do with me, hopefully. It had everything to do with the Lord, and His Word.

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