“Greater Things” Thursday #13 – Those Giant TVs
Our theme for 2011 at Lebanon Road is “Greater Things.” For an introduction and video for this theme, click here. Each Thursday, we are emphasizing an area in which we are trying to improve so we can do greater things for the Lord.
One of our emphases for this year is technology. We are not trying to “do everything” with technology, but we are striving to lay the infrastructure for growth in this area. While some are reticent of any technological change, we feel that the simple things we are doing are helping our congregation.
One of the changes we have made is adding two large TVs in different parts of our building. These TVs are not for viewing shows and games, however, they are helping us with different areas of ministry.
First, we placed one in our downstairs nursery. For several years, there has been an audio feed into that room, so the ladies who help out with our children during services could listen to the worship. However, with this video feed, they can watch. We have been told many times already by those who are down there that they feel much more like they are part of the worship. Amazingly, after one week with the TV in the room, the chairs they use to rock babies were lined up in front of the TV to watch, and have remained that way ever since!
The other TV (a large, flat-screen) was placed in our fellowship hall. Again, it can be used to show the services live. The thinking here was for future growth. If (or, as I like to say WHEN) we grow to the point where we overflow our auditorium, the TV will serve as a temporary way for folks to still be part of the service. This television also has a secondary use in our fellowship program, as we have shown short videos on it during meals and fun times, and some groups have used it for ways to watch a movie or show during a get-together. It will further be used in the Fall when we have a grief class (taught partially via video) that will meet in that room.
Adding two TVs may seem like a small thing, but we really feel they are there with purpose, and that they are helping us lay the groundwork for great ministry possibilities in the future.
For “greater things” to occur, we simply need to remember the purpose for this addition to our building. These TVs are not there to make us look “cool” or just to have fun. They are there to help some (in the nursery) as they worship, and to provide us a backup for future growth. Let’s pray that they are always used for those purposes.

One Comment
The TV in the fellowship hall has been being used on Sunday mornings for the past month or so for the young adult class. I have hooked up a laptop and streamed a video from the web as well as playing DVD’s as part of the class. The movies are short and do not take the place of actual bible study and discussion but I believe that the ability to have video in the class room gives me access to share a wealth of information with my class that was unavailable to us previously. I applaud the elders decision to use church resources in this area and I encourage other teachers to find ways to use the technology that has been made available to us. Your classes will benefit!