“Greater Things” Thursday #14 – Spring Cleaning
Lebanon Road’s 2011 theme is “Greater Things.” For an introduction and video for this theme, click here. Each Thursday, we are highlighting one area or ministry that we hope helps us achieve this theme.
How many times do we speak of taking our Christianity outside the walls of the church building? Some members are very good at it, while others struggle to find motivation to help folks around the area. So, we are providing a way to do this in 2011. The first time is coming up soon (April 16), and it is a “spring cleaning day.”
Our Single’s Ministry is “heading up” this project, but the entire congregation needs to get involved! On that Saturday, there are going to be projects to help folks with housework, yard work, and other “spring needs” around their houses and communities. This is a simple, but fine way for many members to help out some who cannot do–or cannot afford to have done–some of those things that must be done to keep up a house.
Having this as something that is on the church calendar provides us with a way to encourage more members to get involved. Our youth group has it on their calendar, and several of our young people plan on getting involved in this day, too. What a great way for members of all ages to work together on a few projects and show the love of Christ outside the four walls of our building!
What can make this day “greater”? More participation and more projects!
Lebanon Road folks: let friends and family members (especially the elderly) know about this day, so that there will be a lot of work to be done. We want to help as many people as possible. Also, take a moment and sign up to help! There are sheets in the foyer to let you indicate if you have a special skill or talent that might be needed during the day.