“Greater Things” Thursday #23 – Vacation Bible School
Lebanon Road’s 2011 theme is “Greater Things.” For an introduction and video for the theme, click here. Each Thursday, we are emphasizing an area in which we are seeking to do greater things.
It is finally that time! Vacation Bible School at Lebanon Road is now just days away. On Sunday night, our building will be overflowing with children of all ages, eager to learn about God’s Word and to have great fun doing so.
VBS at Lebanon Road is special. We spend months preparing for it. Even though the elders have asked me to coordinate VBS, there is no way I could list every person who helps. It takes tons of folks for us to put on our VBS. We have teachers, aides, puppeteers, skit performers, refreshment coordinators, craft room workers, cookie/brownie bakers, ice cream makers, worship leaders, decorators, poster makers, advertising coordinators, planning committee members, department heads, and of course dozens of folks who pray, invite, and attend.
Our theme for this year is “Digging for Answers,” as we have selected curriculum from Apologetics Press this year. We are excited about the theme. Our teachers and several others have been working basically all day, every day this week preparing their rooms (which already look great!) and lessons. We have four great adult speakers coming to teach our adult classes. Brethren Ralph Gilmore, Dan Chambers, Andy Kizer, and Mike Baker will be presenting lessons that are timely and connected with our theme.
We begin each night–Sunday through Wednesday–at 6:30 and end with refreshments at 8:00.
But the best thing I can tell you about VBS is that we remember that the “B” in the middle stands for “Bible,” and we keep the Bible right there: in the center of it all. Yes, we have fun, but learning the Bible is fun!
Here is a picture of just one of our rooms. Keep in mind that it is not finished yet, and it still looks great! It will look even greater when those chairs are filled with students, eager to learn about the Lord.
Lebanon Road folks, let’s make sure this year’s VBS is truly “Greater.” Let’s attend, support, and pray for the effort. Invite everyone you know.
If you are not from Lebanon Road, consider this your invitation! We would love to have you with us as we dig for answers in God’s holy Word.
One blogging note: VBS will change our posting “schedule” next week. On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, we will post pictures and notes from VBS. Then, on Friday, we will post our “Greater Things” for the week. Enjoy all the posts next week as we enjoy a wonderful week of VBS!