“Greater Things” Thursday #26: Summer Youth Intern
Lebanon Road’s 2011 theme is “Greater Things.” For an introduction and video to this theme, click here. Each Thursday, we are highlighting a different area in which we are striving for greater things.
During the summer months, many congregations hire at least one “intern” to learn on the job and help the congregation out, as the student goes through school. Lebanon Road has been doing this for a few years now, and the young men we have had have been tremendous workers and helpers.
Each summer, we hire one young man to work alongside our youth minister, JD Buckner. Our intern becomes JD’s “right hand man” in this very busy time of year. So many activities are crammed into the summer, and the summer seems to get shorter every year, as schools run later or start sooner. We also have some students in year-round schools, so their “break” is very short. All this means that summertime for our youth program is “5th Gear All the Time!”
This is the fourth summer I have been here, and each of the four men who have been at Lebanon Road have done tremendous work. But they do more behind the scenes to help them than most people see. Not only do they teach classes, help with VBS, work at our camp, and go on the youth mission trip, but they have other responsibilities, too. The intern (with JD) reads at least one book each summer, and they discuss it. They also do a lot of planning under JD’s direction, but sometimes they plan certain things on their own, too.
It is good practice. In many ways, it is “baptism by fire,” as summer is so busy! Josh Manning is our intern this summer, and he is doing a tremendous work. We are thankful that he is here, and we are already praying about future years; praying that our interns continue to be good, faithful servants of God.
I am thankful that our elders have this program in place. It is a “win-win” for the congregation, our young people, and the intern. The rest of us gain a new friend and coworker, and get to watch how they interact with the young people. If the congregation where you worship does not do this, I think it is worth looking into. As with anything, take the hiring process seriously (we do!), so that you get the very best, and then watch “the intern” do great things during the summer.
So, Lebanon Road, how can we make this even better? Let me give two suggestions.
1. First, welcome our intern. By that, I mean with more than just a word. While they are not with us for very long, they are a very important part of our congregation and youth program. Have our interns over for supper, or just to relax for a little while. It is a very busy work, and some rest and home cooking means a lot. (Yes, I did this one summer, so I know whereof I speak!)
2. Second, be praying not only for our current intern, Josh, but for future years as well. We know we are going to do this for some years to come (most likely), so pray that the very best young men are hired to help out. By getting the best, we will reap the rewards!