“Greater Things” Thursday #32: Middle Tennessee Singing at LR
Lebanon Road’s 2011 theme is “Greater Things.” For an introduction and video to this theme, click here. Each Thursday, we are highlighting a different area in which we are striving to have greater things.
God’s people are singing people. Not only is singing commanded of New Testament Christians, but singing is also enjoyed by so many. It lifts us up and helps to deeply instill lessons that come from the great words of hymns.
Many areas of the country have regular singings, and Middle Tennessee is no different. For over 3o years, Christians have been getting together on Friday nights to sing praises to God together, and to enjoy sweet fellowship.
I am proud to say that Lebanon Road will be hosting this singing for the first time (we think the first time ever) tomorrow night! At 7PM many will have gathered, and the singing will begin. After about 90 minutes, there will be a break for refreshments, after which, there will be even more singing. It promises to be a great night.
One of our goals for 2011 as a congregation was to host a singing to which the community was invited. We are thankful that we were able to host this singing to help us with that goal! For more information about the Middle Tennessee Friday Night Singings, follow this link.
For “greater things” to occur, we need to be present, and we need to invite lots of folks. What a wonderful way to introduce friends and neighbors to the Church, since many are curious about why we do not use mechanical instruments of music. Get the word out, show up, and enjoy singing praises together!