“Greater Things” Thursday #9 – Visitation Program
Lebanon Road’s 2011 theme is “Greater Things.” For an introduction to our theme, click here. Each Thursday, we are emphasizing a different area of our congregation that we are trying to do even better this year.
Many congregations have tried some type of visitation ministry in the past, only to see that work fizzle and fall by the wayside. Others have said, “Every member should be visiting anyway, so why do we need a specific ministry or program.” Due to those thoughts, visitation programs often are “old news.”
However, I am glad to say that Lebanon Road’s visitation ministry continues, and continues to do much good. Our outreach minister, Harry Middleton, is in charge of this work, and about 30 members are involved in the ministry. There are two “teams” (our family is on team #2) that rotate weeks. They meet for a brief time (about 5-10 minutes) after our Sunday night service to receive assignments and talk about the reasons for the visits to be made.
Brother Middleton makes sure that people are visited for several different reasons: sickness, shut in, those who visit our services, and some who just need a pick me up. Each person or family usually makes two visits during the week, and those who make the visit are often blessed far more than those who receive the visitors!
While this is a program that has fallen by the wayside in many congregations, I’m thankful that our visitation program continues, and helps so many.
How could it be even greater? It’s very simple. If more members and families were involved, more visits could be made! As with most congregations, there are so many who need a visit. I’m thankful that we have some who visit very regularly without being on a “visitation team,” but there are others who rarely visit anyone. Our visitation program is a great way to find out a few who need some encouragement, and is an organized way for the Church to provide that love.
Lebanon Road, we currently have 2 teams of about 12-15 people each. What would happen if we had 4 teams? Can you imagine 50+ folks making visits each month? What a truly “greater thing!” Contact brother Harry, or just show up Sunday night after services for the meeting. You’ll be glad you took the time to do so.
….and if you have kids, what a wonderful training tool for them!