“Greater Things” Thursdays #10 – Mystery Cards
Lebanon Road’s 2011 theme is “Greater Things.” To read an introduction to the theme, and see our video introducing it, click here. Each Thursday, we are highlighting an area in which greater things are being done here.
Ok. I’ll admit it. I have a list (on Evernote, of course) of upcoming ideas for these posts. I keep a running list of what we have put in our “Greater Things” Thursdays, and a list of some programs and ideas I want to do in the future.
Today’s entry was not that least… until Sunday, at least. It was a random act of kindness that just shows what makes Lebanon Road great.
Last Sunday, our family got the building about the regular time (around 8:30). As we walked down to where we sit, I noticed slips of paper all over the seats. Instinctively, my first thought was, “What did I forget that we are supposed to be doing this morning?” I started editing my sermon in my mind to make up for the time that would be spent on whatever this was!
Then I picked one up. Someone had taken the time to make about 150-200 cards about the size of a bookmark. On one side they had put the words “…and GREATER THINGS are yet to come…”. On the flip side they had put the text of our theme verse, John 14:12. In that verse, Jesus stated, “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works that I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.”
I got one of the cards and am using it as a bookmark. Others have them in other places where they will be seen often. But, so far, no one has “turned up” as the one who did this! We do not know if it was an individual, a family, a class, or a group. Whoever it was, though, really did a wonderful thing! These cards are a constant reminder of our theme, and that we still have much work to do in 2011. [The “rest of the story” is after the pictures.]
…… and then, when I returned from an area-wide preachers’ meeting on Monday, the mystery continued. Taped to my window was a laminated card, and a very sweet note from the “mystery card” maker.
To “whoever,” thank you! You are helping us remember to strive for greater things in 2011.
What anonymous, random act could you or your family do? What a great way to do Greater Things!
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