“Greater Things” Thursdays #18: Meltdown!
The 2011 theme at Lebanon Road is “Greater Things.” For an introduction and video about the theme, click here. Each Thursday, we are sharing with you an area in which we are striving for greater things.
Our youth group is great! They do a lot of things together, and they have a unity that is really amazing. JD Buckner, our youth minister, does a good job planning activities that help them grow closer to God and to each other.
One of those events is a weekly get together called Meltdown. Why “Meltdown”? Well, it’s because the building that our young people meet in for many of their activities is called “CORE.” Core…Meltdown….get it???
Here are some pictures of CORE, followed by more about Meltdown:

What is Meltdown? It is simply a time where our young people can get together on Wednesdays for an hour or so and be together. Remember that we live in a fairly large metropolitan area, and we have students in about 8 or 9 different high schools that cover a significant geographical area. The more opportunities they have to be together, the better.
Meals are provided, or the kids bring just a couple of bucks to go out for something, but the emphasis is simply on being together and being encouraged by one another. While this is a simple program, I think it serves a great purpose, as our young people are involved in each other’s lives, and are gaining relationships that will help through difficult times.
I would like to suggest two ways we can make Meltdown even greater.
The first is obvious: more young people attending! The more, the merrier, especially at an event like this each week. Meltdown is a great thing to invite friends to, because it is relaxed and just enjoying being together.
The other suggestion I have is for some of our adults to provide the food every so often. Parents must come up with a few dollars nearly every week, and some have more than one child in the program. It would be great if some of our members bought a few pizzas, or grilled a few hamburgers every so often to help out!

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