“Greater Things” Thursday #37: Lebanon Road’s 2011 Gospel Meeting
Lebanon Road’s 2011 theme is “Greater Things.” For an introduction and video to the theme, click here. Each Thursday, we are highlighting a different area in which we are striving for greater things.
It’s an event that many congregations have dropped from their calendar, but one we are just adding on! We have not had a Gospel Meeting at Lebanon Road in several years, but one of our goals for 2011 specifically mentioned reviving that event and using it as a way to both (1) encourage our members, and (2) provide an event to reach out to others.
Last week in our “Greater Things” post, we told you about the ways we are reaching out to others. This week, we want to tell you more about the meeting itself.
The meeting will run from Sunday to Wednesday, and our speaker is Eddy Craft. Brother Craft works as a full-time instructor for Tri-Cities School of Preaching and Christian Development in Elizabethton, Tennessee. He is also the Dean of Students at the school. Prior to working with the school full-time, Eddy preached for several congregations, with the last 24 being at Elizabethton. He also serves as the host of “Arise to Truth,” a weekly call-in radio program about Biblical matters.
The theme for our Gospel Meeting is “Seeking Jesus.” Here is a list of the times of the services and the topics of brother Craft’s sermons:
Sunday 9AM: “Three Days without Jesus”
Sunday 10:20AM: “Wise Men Still Seek Jesus
Sunday 6PM: “Jesus: The Light of the World”
Monday 7PM: “Jesus’ Baptism”
Tuesday 7PM: “Jesus’ Death”
Wednesday 7PM: “Jesus Resurrection”
We truly hope you can be with us for this special series of lessons. If you want more information about where to find us, here are two links you can use [ Church website , Facebook event page for the Gospel Meeting ].
For greater things to happen, our Lebanon Road folks need to step up! Let’s attend the meeting in great numbers, and invite even greater numbers. Spend a lot of time in prayer for the meeting. Let’s have a wonderful week of Bible study together!

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