“Greater Things” Thursday #50: Six Holiday Activities
Lebanon Road’s theme for 2011 is “Greater Things.” For an introduction and video to the theme, click here. Each Thursday, we are highlighting a different area in which we are striving for greater things.
First off, let me thank you. Yesterday’s post on some churches moving their services off of Christmas Day is already the most-read post in the history of our blog! So many of you shared it on Facebook and Twitter that it has “made the rounds.” I don’t think it would quite qualify as “viral,” but I am still thankful for the nearly 300 people that read the post from when it was posted through midnight last night (and the number continues to grow).
Now, on to a compilation for this week’s greater things.
As most congregations do, Lebanon Road has all sorts of things going on this time of year. This post will share just a list of a few of them (and there are many others being done by Bible classes and other groups that I’m sure I do not know about).
1. Youth progressive dinner. Tomorrow night, our youth group will load up, and travel all over Nashville to different houses for a progressive dinner. Each year, the group gets together and enjoys this night of food and fellowship, that ends with a goofy gift exchange.
2. Children’s caroling. Each year, our preschool and elementary children go around caroling on a Sunday afternoon. This year, they will be going to the homes of some of our older members to spread a little Christmas cheer. It is always so much fun to watch them sing these songs and interact with some older members.
3. Ice skating. One of our members was able to get free tickets for 25 of our members to go ice skating, and our youth group will be doing that next week. (No, I’m not going. I enjoy my bones in one piece, thank you very much.)
4. Second Harvest Food Bank. Many from our congregation will going to help with this good work next Wednesday. They will be helping prepare food boxes for distribution all over the area to those in need. Last year was the first year we did this, and many came to help. It is a great service to our community.
5. Youth Encouragement Services. This has already been done, but I still wanted to mention it. Cards were placed in our foyer for members to take and buy a gift for this service to have to give away to children in our area. I don’t know how many gifts were bought, but I do know that it took four people several trips to load all the bags and boxes on the van when it came to pick them up!
6. Donations to Bordeaux Hospital. Each year, our congregation gives something to Hilltop Chapel there. This year, the gifts will be monetary donations to help with some specific needs the residents have. (By the way, we regularly help conduct services at this place on Sunday nights throughout the year. I have not mentioned it on our Greater Things Thursdays, simply due to a lack of weeks!)
I also know that several of our Bible classes are sending cards, and there are many other great works going on. Many families are opening their homes to guests, and others are just doing good works behinds the scenes. I just wanted to take the time to mention a few that are keeping us busy around here with both times of service as well as times of fun and fellowship.

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