“Greater Things” Thursday #52 : How to Kick off a New Year
Lebanon Road’s 2011 theme is “Greater Things.” For an introduction and video to this theme, click here. Each Thursday, we are highlighting a different area in which we are striving for greater things.
Before sharing this week’s “greater thing,” I want to say a quick “thank you.” This is the final post in this series that has run the entirety of 2011. Several of you have shared comments and have said that either this series or some specific posts have helped you and given you ideas. That was our intention and if we have accomplished that, to God be the glory.
There are many more good works that Lebanon Road does, but I hope the 52 (including today) that we have highlighted have shared just a small piece of what makes this a special place, and what has made this a very special year.
NOW, on to the final post in the series.
2012 begins on Sunday. What an opportunity, as we begin a new year on the first day of the week. As people are focused on resolutions, goals, and planning, we hope to capture some of that energy as we launch a new year with new ideas at Lebanon Road. While I can’t give away all the specifics (we’re big on unveiling things here), I can give you the run-down of what we have planned for the first Lord’s Day of 2012.
1. At 9AM, we will share our 2012 budget with the congregation. One of our deacons always presents the budget, and he does so with PowerPoint, facts, and some humor. (Yes, we actually laugh at times during this presentation.) I like having the budget shared with the congregation, because it shares a vision of some of what we would like to accomplish for the new year.
2. For my sermon at the morning worship assembly, we will be revealing our 2012 theme (no, I can’t tell you what it is yet!). Included with that will be the unveiling of our 2012 logo (which was designed by two of our young ladies at Lebanon Road), and a sermon that is based upon the basic idea of the theme for the year.
3. At 10AM, we will have a special presentation from our elders. They will share with us some reflections on our goals from 2011, and then will hand out and share our congregation-wide goals for 2012. These have already been revealed to our deacons so that some foundation work can be in place, but the goals (as a whole) are still secret. We hope these goals provide our members with great motivation for the year.
4. Throughout the day, there are other “normal” activities that we pray people will get involved in. Of course, Bible classes will meet at 10:20 as usual. Also, there will be a worship service with the residents at Sycamores Terrace at 2PM. Following our evening worship, our first visitation team will meet.
5. At our 6PM worship, we will be revealing a special way we are going to help people study their Bibles this year. I wish I could say more, but I can’t right now, except to say, you will want to check on our blog Sunday night, as more of this will be on there then. (Aren’t you loving all this drama???)
6. Following our services, we will have a special video presentation. One of our young men who has a true talent for making videos has worked very hard on this video, and we will enjoy it together. The video shares not only our 2012 theme, but also some of the plans that I have made for sermons to be presented throughout the year.
I put on Twitter earlier this week that I am having trouble containing my excitement for this Sunday, and that feeling just keeps building throughout the week. I am about to bust I am so excited about all these wonderful things to start a great year. For there to be “greater things,” we need all Lebanon Road folks to be present, excited, and ready to work as we begin 2012 together. And, as always, may God be glorified by anything we might do or accomplish in this new year.
QUESTION: Does your congregation have any special plans to kick off the year?

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