“Greater Things” Thursday (sort of) #47 : Thanksgiving Service
Lebanon Road’s 2011 theme is “Greater Things.” For an introduction and video to this theme, click here. Each Thursday, we are highlighting a different area in which we are striving for greater things.
Or, maybe on Tuesdays every so often.
Since this Thursday is Thanksgiving Day, we have moved our “greater things” post to Tuesday (and our usual “end of the month” post will be tomorrow). But we have also moved it because it highlights an event that will happen before Thursday.
Our annual Thanksgiving service is this Wednesday night, and we do our best to make this service very special. Many congregations have a singing night, but we take it one step further, incorporating songs, prayers, Scripture readings, and short devotional lessons that focus on many areas of thanks. It is always a pleasure of mine to coordinate this service, and I am always blown away by the great job our men do in leading.
This year, two of our college students will be delivering short devotional lessons, and our youth minister will be extending the Lord’s invitation. Other men will be leading songs and prayers, and some will be reading from God’s Word. We hope you will be with us as we spend an hour of our time expressing thanks to God, and preparing our hearts for the great holiday that comes on Thursday. The service is at 7PM on Wednesday night, and we’d love to have you as our guest!

Sounds great. I bet I love one of the song leaders. 😉