When Guys Get Together
Parents talk to their children–especially in the teen and preteen years–about peer pressure. Phrases like, “If everyone is doing it, that doesn’t make it okay” seem to come from some unwritten handbook on parenting.
And parents have every right to be concerned about the associations, because we understand that, when people get together, it often brings out the worst in us. I can’t explain it, but it just seems to happen too often.
Dads…maybe we need to listen to our own advice.
I love getting together with “the guys” from time-to-time and enjoying a good time. I love the laughs and jokes. The time we spend together is wonderful and necessary.
However, there seems to be something that far too often happens when guys get together. Guys are “earthy.” We are a bit “wild.” We like to rib one another and kid around.
…but that never gives an excuse to sin.
The Bible condemns “course jesting,” but that kind of joking becomes too easy when guys get going.
Scripture makes is clear that we are to always think of pure things, but guys can start down a path of impure talk when they get together.
Jesus spent a lot of time with a group of guys, and I have no doubt that they had a good time together. But it is abundantly clear that they never used “time with the guys” as an excuse to be course. Certainly, they never sinned just because they were together.
Gentlemen, we must truly be gentlemen at all times. Enjoy time together, but don’t use “being with the guys” as an excuse to go against what God would desire. Instead, use it at a time to grow closer together by growing closer to Him.
Photo credit: erix! on Creative Commons
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