Church Life

He Knows


It happened to me again. I reread a familiar passage and something new jumped out at me. To me, that’s proof that the Bible comes from a Divine Creator. Who else could craft a book where people who are reading for the first time can understand it yet is complicated enough to reveal treasures of wisdom throughout lifetimes? But that thought is for another day.

Today I want to share what jumped out at me. I was reading from Luke 22. I had read about Peter’s denials and how the Lord turned and looked at Peter. In the next 3 verses, I read:

Now the men who were holding Jesus in custody were mocking him as they beat him. They also blindfolded him and kept asking him, “Prophesy! Who is it that struck you?” And they said many other things against him, blaspheming him. (Luke 22:63-65, ESV)

That’s when the thought hit me: He did know. He knew exactly who was hitting Him. He knew who had blindfolded Him. Jesus knew who his “hidden” tormentors were! And it goes even beyond that.

Jesus not only knew who they were, He had helped create them. He knew their intentions. He knew their thoughts. He knew their destinies. And He was headed to the cross for them.

Friends, when we think we have gotten away with a hidden sin, He knows us. He knows us. He knows our thoughts and intentions. He knows our destiny. And He went to the cross to provide the only way to change that destiny to one of hope.

Those men in verses 63-65 did not see Jesus turn and look at them like Peter did earlier in the chapter at his time of failure, but make no mistake: Jesus knew them and He knows us today.

He knows. May I always remember.

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