
Headed to Nashville

I leave this afternoon for Nashville, Tennessee, for the annual Lads to Leaders Convention. The rest of our group–of almost 90–heads out tomorrow. I’m thankful for my elders’ allowing me to go early to check in and get a small break on Thursday morning, before the “storm” hits. Once Thursday afternoon arrives, I go “full speed ahead” until leaving on Sunday.

I ask that you pray for us and for all those going to the four conventions. After yesterday’s shooting at the CNN Center in Atlanta, we should all be reminded of the danger of traveling to a large metropolitan area. One L2L Convention, in fact, is in Atlanta, not far from where this shooting took place.

Our young people have worked hard and will do well. We aren’t worried about how many trophies, ribbons, etc. we bring home. We are trying to bring home young men and women who are developing talents to be used in God’s Kingdom.

One last thing: I am asking for your prayers as well. On Friday night, I have been asked to lead singing at the Delta Fountain of the Opryland Hotel for Lads to Leaders. In the past, several thousand people have attended this singing. I get nervous every time I lead singing or preach (and I hope I always do!), but this time I am really nervous. Last year, I led one song as a type of “transition” from the former song leader to me, and, after just one song, I got a complaint. It’s amazing how those things stick with us.

I apologize for not posting a lot the last couple of weeks, but, maybe after this weekend, we can get back on a “regular” schedule.


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