
Help Freed-Hardeman's Library by Shopping

Freed-Hardeman University in Henderson, Tennessee, has announced that you can help them build their library simply by shopping online. College students must do a lot of research, so providing them with essential tools is a very important part of their education.

So, how can you help? John Wilson, who works for FHU, wrote the following summary in this month’s “Alumnogram,” an e-newsletter sent to Freed-Hardeman alumni and friends:

The Loden-Daniel Library has set up an affiliate account with Amazon.com. This means every time you make a purchase through Amazon.com, a percentage of it can be credited back to our library! This is a great way to support the library and help the collection grow!

All you have to do is go to Amazon.com through a link on the Loden-Daniel Library home page (located at www.fhu.edu/library). This link tells Amazon.com that you were referred by Freed-Hardeman University and allows the library to be credited. After clicking on the link, shop and make purchases as usual. There are no special codes to enter, and you don’t have to login in any special way.Just make sure you begin your session by clicking on the Loden-Daniel Library’s Amazon.com link that looks like:
This link is available to anyone — not just alumni or current students. Please enourage your relatives and friends to help the library when they shop Amazon, as well. Purchases are anonymous, and FHU does not receive a list of purchases from Amazon. We look forward to having this relationship with Amazon for years to come, so please continue to remember the Loden-Daniel Library when you do your shopping!

This is an exciting program for FHU. I hope that, when you shop on Amazon.com you will remember to help FHU’s library by utilizing this feature.


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