
Home (originally published October 18)

What a beautiful word “home” is! For so many it brings out memories of laughter and joy. It can bring tears to the eyes when thinking of traditions from a childhood or of one who has gone on. It can cause us to smile when thinking of some prank pulled as a child or of a favorite place where a family got together to pray.

“Home” is also a word Leah and I were wanting to hear so very much over the past few days. While we very much enjoyed spending time with “grammy and grampy” (mom and dad), we had trouble being patient waiting for the phone to ring. Finally, on Tuesday afternoon, a lawyer called and said, “You can take Mary Carol home.” Standing outside a mall, it was impossible to keep tears from coming to my eyes. As a parent, I certainly hope that our daughter will always have fond memories when the word “home” is used. The same lawyer, when we were set to leave the hospital, took several pictures then said, “Let’s go home.”

To the Christian, though, “home” means far more. It means at least two more things.

1. It means a loving Christian family. We often speak of our “home congregation.” Have you ever really stopped and thought about the beauty of that phrase? Whenever I’m away, I enjoy visiting with other Christians, but I long to see the faces of my Chrsitian family. 9th Avenue is home. Sadly, many do not seem to feel that same closeness to their brothers and sisters in Christ. May they see that we love them and want them here. Brother or sister, your family misses you.

2. “Home” also brings out thoughts and hopes of Heaven. We often sing about the “home of the soul,” and “when all of God’s singers get home.” Again, sadly, there are many who do not feel the same excitement when they dream of heaven. As an old song asks, “Don’t you want to go to that land?” If you do, you will desire to follow God’s will.

Home. It may be humble here on earth and may just be a few bricks and some wood. But “think of the home over there!” Brothers and sisters, “Come home,” then “let’s go home”!


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