
Hooray for Me…and You…….and a Dog Named Boo?

I know what Time magazine was trying to do, but I just do not understand why they went ahead with it.

If you have not already heard, YOU are Time’s “Person of the Year.” That’s right. YOU are. And so am I. And so is some guy with a webcam in his basement recording himself playing “Life is a Rock” on the banjo. And so is this guy.

You see, Time decided that, with the growth of YouTube, MySpace, Wikipedia and other “social network” sites, as well as the blogosphere, the “common man” has finally taken over the reigns of power in the world.

I’m happy to have this blog, but there are approximately 57million of them. How many of them actually get read? How many actually change people’s minds? I hope we help you think, but I don’t want to be “THE reason” someone changes his/her mind on a subject.

And, if YouTube and MySpace are the way the world is going, we are in trouble! I love YouTube, but it doesn’t change the world in any significant way.

Time obviously wanted to avoid any of the major controversies of 2006, because it seems that all the major candidates had a great amount of controversy attached to them, or they were just out-right hated (such as the President of Iran).

Thanks for what you tried to do, Time. You’ll sell a lot of magazines. But this was a cop-out of the highest degree.

To read the “preview” article on the web, click here. The real issue is not to be released until this weekend.

Sorry for the “rant,” but this really was a blunder in my mind. To see a list of all winners of this award (back to 1927, the first year), click here.

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