Church Life

How Important Is It to Be a Woman of God?

A few weeks ago Jim and I were asked to come to a local congregation and speak for a Wednesday night Summer Series. Now before you get the wrong idea, they thought it would be different to have him speak to the men in the auditorium and me to speak to the ladies in another large classroom. It was not unusual for me to teach a ladies’ class, but to say I was on a Summer Series was a little different.

I was allowed to select the topic I wanted to talk about, so I chose a lesson I enjoy doing which deals with being a woman of God entitled, “What Does God Expect of Me as a Woman of God?”

The room was packed and women of all ages, from middle school up to ladies who are older than I am, were in the class. What an opportunity to teach God’s word concerning this important topic.

I talked about the fact that God expects obedience. He has always expected His children to be obedient. From the very early pages of the Bible with Adam and Eve, God wanted them to obey Him and remain in that wonderful relationship with Him where they were able to commune with one another.

I then talked about the kind of examples we should be to those around us. People are watching us as Christians to see how we act or react to the things that happen in our lives. I used the scriptures found in Matthew 5 about salt and light, as well as the passage in Philippians 2 which talks about shining as lights in the world that is described as “a crooked and twisted generation.”

Finally, that night I talked about the fact that God expects us to grow as Christians. I sighted 2 Peter 3:18 which says, “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” I also spent some time in 2 Peter 1 talking about some qualities we need to have and, as Peter said, they need to be increasing.

The lesson was very well received and everyone in the room paid close attention. That always makes it very easy to teach.

It was what happened next that I have been working my way toward in this post.

This particular congregation did not plan to come back together as a group in the auditorium on that night. Since there were only women in my classroom, and they always offer an invitation for anyone who might want to put Christ on in baptism or be restored to a right relationship with God, they asked me to offer an invitation in that room.

It felt strange to me because I had never stood and offered an invitation in this way before. I have included the plan of salvation in many of my talks before women, and I have taught the plan of salvation one-on-one with different women on many occasions. I have talked with women about being restored to the Lord on a number of occasions, but this felt different. 

I’m happy to say that I knew what to talk about. I knew what God expects a person to do if she wants to be part of God’s family. I also knew what to say concerning getting back into a right relationship with God. Let me hasten to add that had there been a response, a plan was in place to get one of the elders of the congregation to come and handle that situation.

All of this caused me to wonder about something: how many women could offer the invitation to someone who is outside of Christ and clearly show them what they must do?

It is important to be a woman of God – for many, many reasons. Could you teach another woman how to be obedient to God? Would your example in life be the kind of teaching another woman would need? Have you grown as a Christian woman if you would not be able to tell someone else the plan of salvation?

May God help all ladies realize the importance of being women of God.

“Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”

(Proverbs 31:30)

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AUTHOR: Donna Faughn


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