Church Life,  Family

How Many Warnings Will We Need?

In a small town in Illinois, there is an historic bridge, built in 1906. The covered bridge is a bit of a landmark in the town, but it also recently made headlines because someone ran into it…again.

The bridge was closed for repairs for some time and reopened last August. Since then–just over 5 months ago, the bridge has been run into no less than fourteen times. The clearance on the bridge is unusually low–just 8 feet, six inches–so taller trucks and busses have run into it continually.

However, there are signs on top of the bridge. There are signs just before a driver would get to the bridge. There are signs around a block away, telling larger vehicles to turn and go around on another route. At least 5 signs from one direction warn drivers of the unusual height or of the need to turn. Still, fourteen separate times in a few months–including one the first day after the bridge reopened–those signs have been ignored and a vehicle has banged into the bridge.

When we are driving, there are signs that warn us of all sorts of things–slick conditions, children at play, falling rock–but typically, there is one sign, or maybe a couple, warning us of the possible danger in that area. Rarely do we have a multitude of signs about one thing. If we do, we typically notice them and are on heightened awareness of what is going on.

But more important to our lives, how many warnings do we need to avoid something far more dangerous than unusual or difficult driving conditions? How many times are we putting our souls in jeopardy despite warning after warning of the dangers?

We have warnings from God. Through direct commands, important examples, and words of wisdom, the Bible repeatedly warns us against the dangers of sin (and even coming near sin!). He loves us enough to tell us not only what is wrong, but where it leads.

We have warnings from others. People who love us do not help us sin. Instead, they do whatever they can to strive to get our attention. Through loving yet bold counsel, they try to show us where our actions are leading.

We have warnings from our conscience. Assuming we have heard God’s Word, our conscience pings at us to stop and turn around. We feel that pain in our stomach or we hear that alarm going off in our mind.

We have warnings from the failings of others. We have seen people choose what we are tempted to do and seen them wreck lives, jobs, marriages, churches, families, and reputations.

And yet…we blow right past those signs and still choose to do what is sinful and unwise. It is not that we fail to see the signs; it is that we think they just do not apply to us. If you will, the bridge will magically get taller for us!

May we have the humility to realize that we are not exempt. May we have the willingness to see the signs. And may we have the willingness to heed them, even if it means we have to take a little longer or more difficult road than others.

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn


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