Church Life

How Soon We Forget

I just attended my class reunion for the class of ‘67… yes, that means that I graduated from high school 55 years ago… and yes, that means I’m getting old. I had a wonderful time with those classmates who were able to come and we reminisced about those happy high school days when we were young and full of energy. I remember hearing the phrase “remember when” a great deal on both Friday and Saturday evenings. There were some things I had forgotten about until someone would give the details and it would all come flooding back. We enjoyed being with one another again, reliving the past and hearing about what is going on in each other’s lives. 

It caused me to do some thinking about the congregations where Jim and I have been blessed to worship and serve God. We have so many great memories and hundreds of friends we have made in our life together. We loved each place we served and have fond memories of the people there. We still serve as members at one of those places and pray that we will be here until we go into eternity.

Our church home now has been one of the greatest blessings in our lives as we have watched it grow from very few members to a growing, thriving congregation of God’s people. What caused that to happen was not about us. It was about all of those people working alongside us that caused this group of God’s people to grow into a loving devoted family. We had a single focus – glorify God. It was never about any one of us; no one was on a pedestal. It was about helping those around us to go to heaven and sharing that desire with those in our community. We still have that same focus today!

But, how soon we can forget that focus when we begin to develop a “what’s in it for me” attitude. When our individual accomplishments have to be posted on FB or some other social media so that we can be recognized and then get our good feelings from all of the comments we get, we’ve moved our focus off of simply doing God’s will and put the spotlight on ourselves.

How soon we forget those who helped us in life to become the Christians we are today – parents, friends, preachers, elders. Without them, we wouldn’t be where we are now in life. Often, we only consider what we have done or are doing and forget the ones who helped us be what we are today.

Sadly, how soon we forget the One who loved us enough to give His only Son to carry the weight of our sins to the cross so that we might have hope. The world seems more important to us at times. We have a lot to do, and God seems to be the One Who is left out of our lives. We assume we’ll have time for Him later after I do all the things I want to do.

Let’s not forget our Creator and our goal to be in Heaven one day. Let’s work side by side and enjoy the thought of being together at that reunion in Heaven with those who have gone on before us.

“Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us…” (Ephesians 5:1-2)

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AUTHOR: Donna Faughn


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