Church Leadership,  Church Life,  Worship

How to Frustrate Church Leaders on a Sunday Night

By “Sunday night,” I am not talking about the Sunday evening worship assembly. In fact, the term “Sunday night” is meant as a placeholder for anytime after worship services are finished for the day.

It stands for the next time one of those faithful men who serve a congregation as an elder or as a preacher jumps on social media. Maybe they are just scrolling through Facebook to kill a few minutes before going to bed on Sunday night. Maybe they are checking their feed as part of their Monday morning routine. But it’s whenever they are on again and just seeing how things are going.

Want to frustrate them?

Don’t just miss worship. Post pictures of yourself doing something besides being at worship. That’ll frustrate them for sure.

Make sure you are smiling and looking like you are having the time of your life…while they have been trying to feed people the Word of God. Be sure that you have some caption about how this was the best time you’ve had in a long time…while your brothers and sisters were before the very throne of God. Soak in the likes and comments about how amazing everything looks…while your shepherds and those who are trying to instill Scripture into your heart are praying for your heart of dedication.

It is frustrating enough to try to keep up with who is not present and to be thinking of how to pray for each one or reach out to each one. But if you really want to frustrate those godly men who are trying to lead you to heaven, make sure you post that you were really enjoying being somewhere other than the place that is a “foretaste” of that glorious home.

That’ll do the trick.

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn

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