How To Know If You Really Want to Get Into Heaven

If you were to randomly poll people at any public setting with one simple question, “Do you want to get into heaven?” I dare say that you would have very few–if any–negative responses.
I suppose you might have a handful who are atheists and, so, would answer that they do not believe in heaven, so they might answer in the negative for that reason.
And, if you asked enough people, I suppose you might find a tiny fraction who actually do not want to go to heaven after this life.
Still, the vast majority–I think it is safe to say–would answer in the affirmative. Almost everyone you would ask would say, “Yes, I want to get into heaven.”
But for just a moment, I want each of us to get very personal. If I were asked that question, I am sure I would say “yes.” Absolutely I want to get into heaven.
Is there something, then, I can do to see if I am honest in that answer? I think there is. And here it is…
If I want to get into heaven, I need to let heaven get into me.
In other words, why would I want to go to heaven when I do not allow thoughts of heaven to fill my mind and lead my thinking and my actions now?
Why would I want to get into heaven if I never let heaven’s message–the Bible–fill my time and my thinking in this life?
Why would I want to get into heaven if I never take the time now to speak to the Occupant?
Why would I want to get into heaven if I do not like to be around the people who are going to be there for all eternity?
Why would I want to get into heaven if what it takes to be found faithful cramps my style or causes me to be upset all the time?
It is quite telling that so many people would say in no uncertain terms that they want to get into heaven. It is quite another that so few allow heaven to be part of their lives here.
Maybe that is one way you can do some self-evaluation and ask yourself: do I really want to go to heaven?
If so, I need to let it into my life more and more each day of my life.
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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn