Church Life

How You Say It

On our way home from Christmas in Kentucky, the kids and I had to stop at an unfamiliar exit for a routine bathroom break. I noticed the sign on the door of the gas station we chose and for some reason it stuck with me. Now, we have all been seeing signs on doors for months about guidelines and restrictions related to precautions that are supposed to protect us and others from the current pandemic. But there was something different about this sign. Oh, it was about masks, but the “tone” of the sign was different. Instead of “masks required” or “do not enter without a mask” or even “protect others – wear a mask,” it simply said, “a mask is all we ask.”

To some this may seem like I am splitting hairs. Others may think I have way too much time on my hands to even spend time thinking about all the mask signs out there. But I want to make a spiritual connection if I can. You see, all of the mask signs are trying to accomplish the same thing – have people wear a mask inside the establishment. But this one did something that most don’t. It asked.

This sign didn’t demand. It didn’t restrict or sound pushy. It didn’t try to guilt me into it. It simply asked.

What if, instead of demanding, pushing, guilting, or any myriad other things we try to get people to listen to God’s word … what if we simply asked? If the softer tone of a mask sign caught my attention, maybe the gentle question of a person who cares would catch the attention of someone in this lost and dying world.

“…speaking the truth in love …” Ephesians 4:15

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AUTHOR: Amber Tatum


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