Church Life,  Family

“I Just Can’t Face Anybody”

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The words above are among the saddest that I hear. They are usually spoken by somebody who is hurting terribly. Often the pain they are experiencing has affected them in so many ways.

All too often, I hear these words as a part of an explanation concerning the person’s absence from worship services, Bible classes, and other opportunities to learn, worship, and enjoy fellowship. They feel as though they cannot do those things because they just can’t face anybody because of what is going on in their lives.

Every time I hear those words, I realize that something is wrong besides the pain that is being experienced and expressed. I realize that somebody needs to learn a little more about how brothers and sisters are to relate to and with one another. 

As Christians, we wear the name of the One who was sought out by individuals who were hurting. It is also important to observe that He sought out individuals like this. To be sure, some of the pain might have been self-inflicted, but that was not an insurmountable barrier for Him or for them. 

Our brothers and sisters in the first century drew strength and support from one another during times of trouble and weakness. They, and we, are instructed to “bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Gal. 6:2). Those who were and are “…strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak… (Rom. 15:1).

Those who cannot bring themselves to face a group of people may be thinking that they are avoiding such things as unjust criticism, gossip, prying for information, and/or pity. Do they think they would experience these things with brothers and sisters in the Lord? 

Are they right? 

If they are, they are not the only ones who need a better understanding and application of God’s Word.

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