Church Life

I Pledge Allegiance…

I like to think of myself as an American patriot. Obviously, I don’t agree with every decision that is made by our country’s leaders, but I do still take a great deal of pride in the nation I call home. The fact that 3 of my great-grandparents served directly in the Second World War has given me a lot to be proud of, especially in light of this week’s holiday. I am thankful for the nation that God chose to place me within and for the Christian principles that it was founded upon.
Despite all this, I also realize that this country has flaws. Being a member of the post-millennial generation, I see them every day in the form of school shootings, racial tensions, and constant mudslinging from seemingly all sides. I don’t mention these things to scare or upset anybody. The point I’m trying to make is, America and its mission of freedom are threatened by the disunity and violence of the modern world. We are still the greatest country in the world without a doubt, but the Christianity of America is in dire straits.
This problem, though it is serious, brings to light another reason why I am thankful to God. In addition to placing me within an earthly nation that has been blessed with prosperity and strength, He has allowed me to be part of His heavenly kingdom.
Psalm 22 is generally known as the “Crucifixion Psalm” because of its theme of suffering and calling upon God amid trials. Parts of this Psalm are even prophecies about things that took place during the Crucifixion, including the cry of “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” in verse 1 and the statement, “For My clothing they cast lots” in verse 18. At the end of this poem, though, the psalmist transitions to a different prophecy. In verses 27 through 31, he discusses a day in which people from “all the ends of the world” will worship God, and in which “they will come and declare His righteousness to a people who will be born.” Indeed, after the death and resurrection of our Lord, this people came into existence in the form of the church.
No earthly nation is perfect, and America, despite its proud heritage and Christian commitment, is no different. I remain a patriot in the name of the United States and a believer in the dream of freedom for all. I take an even greater pride, comfort, and faith in the fact that, by God’s grace, I can be part of a heavenly kingdom that will last forever and bring perfect love to the world.
“Many people shall come and say, ‘Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; He will teach us His ways, and we shall walk in His paths.’ For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.” – Isaiah 2:3
AUTHOR: Lucas Tatum
Photo background credit: US Department of Agriculture on Creative Commons

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