Church Life,  Family

I’m Still Standin’

Folks, let’s face it … it has been a year! Our entire world has dealt with a pandemic virus that has changed our way of life, potentially forever in some ways. I’ve heard more than one person comment that when they were watching a television show, they wondered why the characters weren’t wearing masks! I think some of the technology that became “necessary” for things to function over this last year might be here to stay.

On top of that, some have faced challenges in their jobs due to the virus, if they were fortunate enough to be able to keep working. Still others have been challenged due to preexisting health concerns that necessitate regular visits to locations that are now considered high-risk.

The Lord’s church has not been immune. Elders have had to make decisions that they never foresaw when they agreed to shepherd the flock. Preachers were quickly learning new technology to try to continue providing teaching. Families were trying to balance the concepts of not “forsaking the assembly” with “bearing each other’s burdens” as they tried to decide whether they should attend with young children (who are known to carry germs) when they usually sit next to an sweet, older sister who might not survive if they unknowingly carried those germs to her.

To add another layer, regular life continued. People faced loss of loved ones, “regular” diagnoses of cancer and heart disease, divorce, and a whole host of other “regular” life. Tires still went flat, air conditioners still broke, and plumbing issues still occurred. 

And yet, here we are … still standin’. And I would argue those who have focused on God are standing even taller and stronger than before. Not because of anything they did or are doing, except making the choice of where to focus. You see, despite all of the challenges of the past year, God hasn’t moved. God wasn’t surprised. He wasn’t caught unaware or without a plan. God knows when the masks will go away. He knows when we will return to “normal” and He knows who will struggle with that.

The only thing any of us really control in this world is where we decide to focus. I can look, like Peter, at the waves and challenges around me (Matthew 14:30), or I can choose to “[look] to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrew 12:2). If I make the correct choice, then no matter what challenge comes, I can say (or sing if you prefer) “I’m still standin’,” not by my power, but by the grace and power of God.

“For now we live, if you are standing fast in the Lord.” 1 Thessalonians 3:8

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AUTHOR: Amber Tatum


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