
"In Plain Sight"

“I was hiding, but in plain sight.”

Those words are from John Amaechi’s book, set to be released on February 16th. Amaechi, as you have probably heard, is a former NBA player who recently announced he is a homosexual. He is the first NBA player, active or retired, to make such an announcement.

ESPN.com was allowed to place excerpts from the book on their website. As you might expect, Amaechi takes the time to talk about the “anti-gay” attitude in the locker room and on trips. He even says that he was traded away from the Utah Jazz to the Houston Rockets late in his career because the Jazz head coach, Jerry Sloan, was anti-gay and thought Amaechi might be a homosexual.

Amaechi talks about how he now wishes he had confided in someone about his lifestyle. He’s pretty sure that some players or people close to the teams he played for (especially the Jazz) knew. Amaechi was not afraid to go to known gay hangouts when he was on road trips, but tried to stay out of outdoor spots at those clubs or bars.

But the quote that started this post just jumped off my computer screen when I read it. “I was hiding, but in plain sight.”

Those of you who are regular readers of this blog know where I stand on homosexuality. It is a sin, but not the unpardonable sin. One who repents of being a homosexual, like those in Corinth, can be forgiven by the Father.

I’m not excusing Amaechi’s actions, but his statement made me think. I just wonder how many people, involved in a myriad of sins, feel the same way John Amaechi did. I wonder how many know what they are doing is wrong, and almost want to be found out? How many men who are cheating on their wives know the dangers and almost wish they would be discovered. How many young people are involved in drugs that are ruining their lives and would like for someone to “catch” them?

My point? We need to have our eyes opened. We need to look for those who are involved in sinful activities; or, at least, who show the signs. Amaechi was quite open about his lifestyle, but nobody seemed to notice. How many around us show signs of alcohol use, drug abuse, sexual sins, etc., but we never notice or never say anything?

I hope Amaechi, and others who are practicing homosexuals, will turn from their lifestyle and turn to God. He will forgive. But I also pray that ALL of us will make sure we keep our eyes open, so we can help someone come to the Lord, or come back to Him.


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