In Times Like These

I am writing these words from our house. Donna and I left Kentucky a few days ago because we were needed elsewhere and have returned. Our governor has those who leave the state and return to “self quarantine” for fourteen days. We are doing our best to comply.
As has been the case with almost everybody else, we have heard and read multiple reports, discussions, etc. about the CoronaVirus. What some have called “an unseen enemy” has had a major impact on the whole world. It has had an impact on how we worship, purchase products, socialize, travel, and a host of other things.
I remember hearing one of the discussions about this pandemic in which an interesting phrase was used. I honestly don’t remember the point the person was making, but I remember him saying, “In times like these.” For some reason that phrase brought to mind a song with that title which I had not thought about, heard, or sung in years.
I did a little research and found some of the “backstory” of that song. According to what I’ve read, the song was written in 1943 and copyrighted in 1944. At that time, there seemed to have been no end in sight to World War II. A preacher’s wife in Pennsylvania was distressed by the growing casualty numbers reported in the paper. If any progress was being made by the Allies, it seemed to be very little. Goods and services were being rationed in our nation.
I plan to end my thoughts here with the first verse and chorus to her song, but, before I do, I need to ask us all to consider something besides what is making headlines all around the world. I’d like for us to remember that it is always the case that individuals and families are going through very difficult and trying times.
As I type these words, I am confident that there are countless people who are struggling with health (their own health or the health of a loved one), relationships, employment, grief, etc. This was true before anybody ever heard of the CoronaVirus. It is true during this time. If the world stands, it will be true long after this current crisis is a distant memory.
One thing that I would encourage all of us to keep in mind is that the Lord’s people need to be aware of, and attentive to, those who are hurting. It’s always “times like these” for somebody.
The other thing that I would encourage us to do is to internalize the first verse and chorus of “In Times Like These.”
In times like these you need a Savior,
In times like these you need an anchor;
Be very sure, be very sure,
Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!
This Rock is Jesus, Yes He’s the One,
This Rock is Jesus, the only One;
Be very sure, be very sure,
Your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!
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AUTHOR: Jim Faughn