Church Life


If you attended Freed-Hardeman University at a certain time and had a certain professor, you probably will never forget his lesson on infinity. It was a college kid’s dream! The professor simply started at one end of his chalk- or whiteboard and began to draw a line. He then proceeded to continue that line off the edge, around the corner, up the stairs, and out of the lecture hall. That was the end of that day’s class: infinity.

As fun and as memorable as that lesson was, it was flawed. You see, when the next class period rolled around, you were still expected to be back in that lecture hall and the professor was back in action. (If you were lucky, this time he was demonstrating centrifugal force!)

Recently I got to spend a day at one of my favorite locations on earth … the beach. And it really doesn’t matter what beach. I have my favorites but when you need some beach time, any beach will do! I love soaking in the sun while listening to the waves and feeling the breeze blow in off the ocean. Because I was on the Atlantic side of Florida this time, I was facing East, and mostly away from the sun. This allowed me to gaze as far as I could into the bright blue sky. 

I realized that no matter how I concentrated or tried, I couldn’t see beyond the beautiful blue. Even with my limited human abilities, I saw a version of infinity. And then it hit me: what I think of as infinite is nothing compared with the vast universe that God created and reigns above every second of every day. And yet, within that unfathomable, magnificent scope of power, God sees me. He sees my tears. He feels my joys. And He loves me.

That is infinity … and beyond.

“By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.” (Hebrews 11:3)

“…[Cast] all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7)

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AUTHOR: Amber Tatum


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