Bible study,  Church Life

Is It “Self-Banned” in Your Home?

It’s so-called “Banned Books Week.” The propaganda machine is running hard again to let us know what books have been “banned” here in the United States–despite the fact that you can order any of those books from nearly any bookstore. It’s a publicity stunt, and I hope we see right through it.

However, when I saw that this week was upcoming again, it made me think of the one Book that is often not allowed in many places–the Bible. Many of the libraries that are up in arms because a book about gender identity isn’t allowed in an elementary school would not dream of putting the Bible in that same library.

But that’s not the road I want to go down today. Instead, I want us all to take a look at our own lives and ask, am I effectively banning the Bible from my own life?

I mean, I own one. I own several. But do I ever read it, or do I just put everything else before it because “I don’t have the time,” or “It’s too hard,” or “I’m just not much of a reader.”

I have known people to even leave their Bible at the church building during the week so they don’t forget it for next Sunday’s service. Now, I’m glad they have their Bible in worship, but that pretty much gives away the fact that they aren’t reading it during the week at all!

There’s probably a copy of God’s Word nearby as you read these words. Most of us have several copies and, if we don’t, we can read it online for free. I’m going to challenge you to “un-ban” the Bible in your own life. Stop reading this article…and go read the only Volume that will have an eternal effect on your soul.

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn


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