
Is It the School's Job?

Mathematica Policy Research released a study saying that students who attended abstinence programs were just as likely to engage in sexual activity as those students who did not attend. Also, the median age of a child’s first sexual experience was the same: 14.9. The government spends over $150million per year on these programs. [Read a press release from Medical News Today here.]

Critics are saying that these programs are not working. That may be the case, but I believe the focus is not on the right place. Where are we told that the schools are supposed to be teaching children about abstinence?

This is simply another case of the Bible needing to be taught! Families and congregations of God’s people need to be teaching children about proper sexual behavior. This is just another reason why people need the Bible. When God’s Word is properly taught and lived, children are more likely to make right moral decisions.

I understand that not every child has good Christian parents, and I do believe that schools should be teaching proper morals, but we don’t need to say that these programs don’t work based on one study. It’s not the school’s job to teach such things–the school should be reinforcing, and there is a major difference.


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