
"It Is Not an Issue"

A few months ago, John Amaechi, a former NBA player, announced he was gay. You might recall that he “came out” just in time to promote his new book.

Over the weekend, Amaechi spoke at the annual meeting of the Log Cabin Republicans (the largest organization of Republicans who support gay rights).

During that speech, Amaechi made several interesting statements, but two from Sports Illustrated’s article stood out to me.

First, he said that 95% of the feedback from his announcement had been positive, but the other 5% had been “unbelievably, viscerally, frighteningly negative.” Wow, Mr. Amaechi! That’s quite a dichotomy. No middle ground? Nobody simply told you, “I don’t agree with your lifestyle?” That’s what he, and all gay rights activities would like for us to think. If someone doesn’t agree with the lifestyle, he or she is frightening and negative. With all due respect, Mr. Amaechi, I think homosexuality is a sin (as taught in the Bible), but true Christians will still love the person committing the sin. We may take a strong stand, but we love people enough to want them to change.

Second, Amaechi spoke of working with groups/organizations that also work with children. He said that he had thought it would be a problem, but, he added, “it is not an issue.” Is that not a wake-up call? To be honest, I don’t know if John Amaechi has any contact with the children, but his comment should still open a few eyes.

Christians, we need to continue to stand strong for the truth. Love the sinner, but oppose the sin!


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