Church Life

It Isn’t Funny for Long

They are (most likely) two different bears, but the nearness in time of the stories illustrates a spiritual truth all too well to not share.

About 10 days ago, a bear in Tennessee decided to “visit” a shopping mall. The animal went up to the doors near the movie theater at the mall. The mall–through social media–joked about their visitor coming to check out the showtimes for movies. Only after that did they, through their social media outlets, tell their patrons to be aware of the situation.

Then, just a couple of days ago, another bear in another town in Tennessee actually went into a restaurant and came near to where people were eating before finally leaving. Many were scared since the bear was right there nearby inside the establishment.

The first bear? That was pretty funny. The second bear? That’s not so funny.

Is there not a parallel we can make between those bears and how we far too often deal with sin?

We excuse it. We think of it as not that big of a deal. We might even laugh at it. After all, it’s harmless because it’s “out there” or because it isn’t really hurting anyone.

Then sin does what sin does: it comes into our lives, and it isn’t funny any longer.

Marriages are ruined. Reputations are destroyed. Addictions are begun. Families are ripped apart. Churches are split. Nations are felled. Jobs are lost. Finances are drained.

Oh…and souls are eternally damned.

Maybe we should not allow ourselves to get anywhere near sin, so that it does not become something we take lightly.

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AUTHOR: Adam Faughn


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