It Made My Day!

I’ve been going to the gym lately trying to keep my knee joints moving so I can keep my own knees and not end up with some foreign parts in my body. I can hardly believe it, but I really like going. I get up early, throw on some exercise clothes, brush my teeth and hair and drive to the gym.
I’ve met a few really nice people there. The young man named Joe, who helped me learn how to use the machines, was very kind to this older lady who needed a lot of help.
There are a couple of women about my age who also happen to like the early morning workout. Both ladies are very nice and I enjoy riding the exercise bike beside them because it certainly makes the time go much faster. We’ve talked about lots of subjects: careers, funny stories, family, and yes, where we worship has been part of our conversation.
One problem we have faced is that there are only two exercise bikes in this gym – and three of us. Two of us get there a little earlier than the other woman and are usually on the bikes when she comes in. That wouldn’t normally be a problem, but the lady who comes later is not able to use any other exercise equipment. That bike is the only reason she comes.
Now, I could say, “You’ll just have to wait until I’m finished,” or I could think to myself about “my rights,” and “I got here first.” However, neither of us ‘early birds’ have ever said that to her one single time. We have always given her the bike, because we can use other pieces of equipment. It really is a little thing.
This morning she told us that she is moving back to her home in West Virginia and will be leaving later this week. We knew it was coming but didn’t realize it would be so soon.
As I left this morning, I asked her if she minded for me to give her a hug. I told her I had surely enjoyed getting to know her and wished her well in her move. As I hugged her, she said, “You are one of the nicest people I have ever met.” WOW! It didn’t take more than a smile, some conversation, and some kindness for this woman to pay me such a nice compliment.
She made my day!!
I found a piece the other day that Jim wrote in 1985. I hope you’ll read it and consider the thoughts it contains in light of what happened to me this morning:
WHAT AM I? (by Jim Faughn)
I have been known to perform some amazing physical feats. I have improved the posture of a lot of people. At the same time, I have turned frowns into smiles and put a spring in the step of hundreds of individuals.
I have even helped people emotionally. I have helped multitudes through a dreary day. In some cases, I have even helped get a person out of pretty deep depression.
Why, I have saved marriages, helped parents and children get along, prevented and solved “church problems,” and strengthened entire communities.
How much would you give for somethings with my power? You can’t buy me! I only work when I am given away.
Try giving me to somebody today. It won’t cost you. It will pay every time you give – a compliment!
“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in
Christ forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:32)
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AUTHOR: Donna Faughn